Casper Leitner

Wanting to change the world isn’t naïve.

Recognizing the flaws in established systems is often met with apprehension. Change can be terrifying. That’s where I come in. Your job is to dream big, and mine is to answer questions you didn’t know you wanted to ask.

  • Law & Politics

    I started by getting an MA in Criminology, Law and Justice. I became a paralegal and focused on international human rights. This consisted of assisting with legal cases in South Chicago focused on gang violence to genocide studies in Rwanda and Uganda.

  • Restorative Justice

    I began to focus on alternative forms of “justice.” Doing my best to keep one foot out of the prison industrial complex, I took on the role of circle keeper in Cook County courts. I focused on ethnographic research, as well as alternative forms of incarceration, including prison abolition.

  • Research

    After a few years working in the court system as a paralegal and as an advocate for domestic violence survivors, I began working more with quantitative data, alongside qualitative research. Working on both sides of the spectrum, from a single client to an entire community pushed me to listen for untold stories and unheard voices.

  • Design

    This is the step not many people know exists. Instead of stopping at research, I take it a step further by spreading my findings out on a table to find themes and patterns. Instead of working within the system, my job is to create an entirely new experience from the answers to questions you don’t know how to ask.

  • UX For Good

    Design Researcher & Fellow

  • Dalai Lama Foundation

    Design Research Intern

  • Inzovu

    Design Researcher

  • Lawndale Christian Legal Center

    Circle Keeper & Legal Researcher

  • Leitner Insights

    Administrative Assistant

  • University of Illinois at Chicago

    Teaching Assistant

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